We're a good kind of awkward!

We  are  HCCyouth, the  youth  ministry  of  Honolulu  Christian  Church. Our  church  also  has  a  great  Sunday  School  program  for  all  ages, a  College  & Young  Adult  Ministry,  and  a  Japanese  Department

Friday Nights

We focus on serving our middle school and high school youth through Bible studies, topical teachings, inspiring worship, small group discussions, retreats, and social/bonding nights! Our weekly sessions begin with dinner (provided by our volunteers) at 6:15pm and we generally end around 9:00pm.

If you’re into raw authentic biblical youth community, you have come to the right place! By raw, we mean unpolished, honest, and with the intention to meet today's youth right where they are.

1st Friday Worship Nights

We combine both middle and high school youth for a 20-minute Worship Session every 1st Friday after dinner, led by co-Youth Director Chris Aliipule along with some of our adult leaders. Our intention is to invite the Holy Spirit through music to soften our hearts in praise and worship to our Living God!

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

― John 15:5

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Find us

Honolulu Christian Church is up the street from the University of Hawaii Manoa; the quaint little church next to College Hill (the big white house on top of a luscious green hill).