
  • nancy carvalho

    church administrator

    Nancy was born in Yokohama, Japan, raised in Hawaii and brought up in the Buddhist traditions. In November 1992, she gave her life over to Jesus, and found Him to be the Author and Perfecter of her faith, the lover of her soul. and the giver of growth, joy and fulfillment. After working for 18 years at a financial institution, God called her to serve at HCC in 1994. Her passions are teaching and choreographing praise/worship dance, drama, mentoring women, and sharing about the love of Jesus.  


    Loves of her life: Jesus Christ, husband Russell, children: Dani, Richard, Niki, and 6 grandchildren: Kylie-Ann, Mason, Maddison, Makayla, Kalia, and Kaleb.


    Favorite foods: Pho, ramen, kim chee, tripe stew .

  • machiko aliipule

    director of children/youth/young adults

    Machiko was born in Japan and raised in California and Hawaii. She is the third daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Yuichiro Nakano, who are travelling evangelists around the world. She graduated from Roosevelt High School, and then International Bible College and Graduate School of Theology in 1994. She has served as a missionary in Londrina in Brazil for about five years. Since returning to Hawaii, Machiko has served as HCC’s Youth Director. Then in February 2014 her service has expanded to include Children’s Ministry and College & Young Adult Ministries.

    She and her husband Chris have 2 sons, Hezekiah and Ezra. Whenever she finds time to rest, Machiko likes to eat yummy food, watch historical & scientific documentaries, sci-fi or action movies & anime together with her family, and sleep!

  • Yanyan imamura

    pre-school director



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