
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”  Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV) 

The HCC Missions Committee honors and supports those who have heard the Lord’s calling to work as full-time missionaries and select short-term missions.  HCC supports ten hardworking, amazing, full-time missionaries who spread and defend the Gospel worldwide. Two of them have requested not to have their ministries made public for security reasons. 

Please pray for God’s protection over the ten and their families and communities, 

         for their studies, support, health, and safety

         for their ministry needs, 

         and for new believers

Some of the missionaries we support:

Mike and joni cain

Mike and Joni Cain and family have lived in West Tokyo for the last 10 years. They partner with the local church to evangelize and disciple in Japan and  do personal evangelism, neighborhood dinners with Bible times, Bible studies, one-on-one meetings to share the gospel and disciple young believers. They also recruit more missionaries to join them in planting a missional community to walk alongside them in reaching their neighborhood. The harvest is plentiful and the workers are few! Please join with them in seeking God to raise up more laborers to join them in His harvest field. 


Tharshish Johnson is a Campus Missionary with Every Nation Campus who wears many hats. One role is to develop college students to minister the Gospel in their context to their fellow classmates. She actively coaches and mentors other campus ministers on the campuses of UH Manoa, Hawaii Pacific U, and Hawaii Tokai International College. She coordinates multiple international short-term mission trips annually and leads teams to help Every Nation Campus Ministries in Asia and Oceania. She is support raising coach and encourager to her church’s ministers, EN’s HI and South Pacific missionaries, and new campus staff. 

She also reaches out to engage and disciple/mentor people in her community.


Pauline Nishida is a Partnering Catalyst/Convener with Cru’s City, Church Movements Ministry. Its aim is to Make Jesus Known, Multiply the Church, & Serve the City. They partner with others for Gospel transfor- mation, the wellbeing of the City, & unity of the Spirit. She is point person for the ~400 Cru staff spread in various ministries in the LA metro area. She mobilizes a Love, Pray, Care, Share lifestyle amongst Muslims, International students, a dance community, with new and existing relationships with constant opportunities to pray, share the Gospel, mentor & disciple others. She also serves with ‘Oneness in Diversity’ within City, Church Movements nationally, training and coaching in ethnic and cultural diversity, as well as with five generations. She believes the richness of their vision, values and practices in light of differing perspectives in reaching the lost with those considerations…that they may represent the oneness in John 17. 


Eric and Sue Takamoto transitioned their ministry home base to New Jersey last year, after spending the past 22 yrs ministering in Japan. The move was the result of emotional and educational needs of their younger two children. 

In addition to Eric’s role in their SIM organization as chaplain for SIM worldwide missionaries, he has also been asked to take on additional leadership. Sue has been teaching a weekly English Bible class to a group of 12 Japanese women, and has hosted many Japanese women in their home. She wrote and uses an English bible textbook called “God’s Wonderful Story.” They never had this many Japanese studying the Bible with them when they lived in Japan!  


Contact Info:  117 Woodland Ave. Medford, NJ 08055    

Email: etakamoto@a3.email (Eric) setakamoto@gmail.com (Sue)


Patrick Zukeran is the founder and Executive Director of Evidence and Answers, a research & teaching ministry specializing in Christian apologetics, the defense of the Christian faith. He is a popular conference speaker, author of several books,  and hosts a radio show, Evidence and Answers.  Pat believes that apologetics is essential for the Christian who wants to transform lives and their culture for Christ. He provides a wealth of free resources on EvidenceandAnwers.org website. He also serves as adjunct faculty of Pac Rim University as well as other worldwide colleges and institutes.