- Studio or 1-Bedroom Needed: One of our church ohana is looking for a place anywhere between the Salt Lake area to Waialae in Kaimuki. Maximum rental: $1,800.00 If you can help, please contact Scott Hamasaki at scotthamasaki@yahoo.com.
- Keeping our kitchen clean: A friendly reminder to wash, dry and put away all dishes, cups, and utensils after use. Please do not leave any dishes in the sink or in the dish drain. Thank you for your understanding and kokua.
- No parking on Mauka property from 3/7/25: Our Mauka property will be excavated on Friday, March 7th. Thereafter, the excavated area will be filled with dirt for the planting of grass. A very limited amount of parking will still be accessible from Walu Way but only on the paved area by the garage side of the property. No driving on the excavated area will be allowed.
- Sundays, 3/16, 23, & 30 - New Members' Class: Find out more about our church! Join Pastor Ted in a 3-Sunday class where you will learn multiple topics, including: The meaning of baptism, communion, maturing in Christ, what it means to become a member of HCC, finding out who we are, and more. Bring your questions too! Click here to sign up by March 9.
- Saturday, 3/22 - All-Church Cleanup: Save the date and come out between 8am-12pm to help clean our church. It's been a while and it's time! If you can't make it to clean, your favorite potluck dish would be gratefully received at 11am. More information to follow. Any questions, please contact Nanci at (808) 973-4345 or email her at: office@honoluluchristian.org.
- Saturday, 3/29 - Sanctuary & Education Building Carpet Cleaning: From 8am-5pm, all Saturday ministries need to be aware that all first floor rooms in the Education Building as well as the Sanctuary will not be available. Please plan your ministry meetings accordingly. Thank you for your understanding.
- Women's Fellowship Ministry, 4/19 - Social Hall: Our Women's Ministry took a break in March, and will start back up again in April! If you are not on their email list, click here to learn more about it including upcoming events!
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