small groups

Gatherings and groups are an essential part of our church, as they provide a place where deeper fellowship, growth-oriented nurturing, and better support for one another can take place. At HCC, we believe that these gatherings are absolutely vital to our spiritual lives. Considering that the early church worshiped in large settings in the synagogues as well as in homes, we unite together similarly in order to be in deeper fellowship with God and one-another. God has reconciled us not only to Himself but also to each other. This "each other" is called His Church. Thus, we intentionally strive toward community through men's/women's groups, home gatherings, small groups, and other personal settings.

If you'd like to visit any of these small groups, please contact the church office for more information:

  • Who: Nanci Carvalho

    When:  1st and 3rd Wednesdays @ 6pm

    Where: Parsonage

  • Who: Randall & Sandi Tom / Mike & Linda Hirai

    When: 1st, 3rd, & 5th Friday @ 7pm

    Where: Tom residence

  • Who: Ronald & Jean Kam

    When: 2nd and 4th Saturday @ 6:30pm

    Where: Kam residence

special interest groups

Want community? Check out our Special Interest groups to fellowship with others just like you!

  • youth ministry

    Who: Machiko Aliipule (

    When: Fridays, 6pm for dinner then 7pm for teaching, games, and biblical/topical lesson.

    Where: Social Hall for middle school; Sanctuary for high school

    More information below!

  • men's group

    Who: Karl Kaneko

    When: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays @ 7pm for dinner, prayer, and group discussion.

    Where: Conference Room (2nd floor)

  • women's group

    Who: Rimy Masatsugu

    When: 3rd Saturdays @ 9am

    Where: Social Hall

    Interested in developing deep connections and relationships with women (of all ages) to grow together in ChristThen click here!


    Who: Fran Patoskie (

    When: Mondays and Tuesdays @ 5:15pm

    Where: Social Hall

    Bring weights, towel, water, and yoga mat.

sunday school classes

To join these classes, or for more information, please send an email to

NOTE: All Sunday School classes are being redirected to Pastor Ted's Sunday School Class "Basic Christianity: What It Means to Be A Disciple of Christ" in the Social Hall from 9:15-10:15am; original classes will resume on 3/16.

  • Life Guide Bible Study: Growing Older and Wiser

    Who: Laurie Hirata

    When: 9:15-10:15am

    Where: Room 7 (2nd floor)

  • basic christianity

    Who: Mike and Joan Mishima

    When: 9:15-10:15am

    Where: Conference Room (2nd floor)

  • in christian living series

    Who: Ron & Jean Kam

    When: 8:30-9:30am

    Where: Online on Zoom

  • devoted: 30 days with women of the bible (women only)

    Who: Rimy Masatsugu

    When: 9:00-10:30am

    Where: Bookkeeper's Office (2nd floor)

  • HIGH SCHOOL & young adults class (in christian living series)

    Who: Watson Tanji and Nanci Carvalho

    When: 9:15-10:15am

    Where: Parsonage

  • middle school: GRADES 5-8

    Who: Rylan Koreyasu, Nanci Carvalho, and Kristen Nakano

    When: 10:45-11:45am

    Where: Parsonage

  • ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: grades 1-4

    Who: Tobie, Arthur, and Tommy

    When: 10:45am-12pm

    Where: Social Hall

  • Preschool & KINDERGARDEN (pre-k)

    Who: Debbie Yamada and Lori Kuwahara

    When: 10:45am-12pm

    Where: Rooms 1 & 2


    Who: Suzanne & Sonia Herder

    When: 10:45am-12pm

    Where: Rooms 3 & 4

youth ministry

We're a GOOD kind of awkward!

come & spend your friday night with us!

We focus on serving our middle school and high school youth through Bible studies, topical teachings, inspiring worship, small group discussions, retreats, and social/bonding nights! Our weekly sessions begin with dinner (provided by our volunteers) at 6:15pm and we generally end around 9:00pm.

If you’re into raw authentic biblical youth community, you have come to the right place! By raw, we mean unpolished, honest, and with the intention to meet today's youth right where they are.

Contact our Director Machiko Aliipule for more information:

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

― John 15:5